Dyrevelferd, Ekspertgruppe for (E03954)

Norsk deltakelse (ansvarlig departement)
Landbruks- og matdepartementet

Om komiteen

Om komiteen: Animal Welfare Expert Group (E03954)


The expert group will assist DG SANTE in the preparation of legislative proposals/policy initiatives, including delegated and implementing acts in the field of animal welfare. The group will also help establish cooperation/coordination and the exchange of good practices between the Commission and Member States or EFTA/EEA countries on questions relating to the implementation of Union legislation, programmes and policies in the field of animal welfare.


The group’s tasks shall be: 

  1. to assist the Commission’s Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) in the preparation of legislative proposals/policy initiatives in the field of animal welfare. 
  2. to assist DG SANTE in the preparation of delegated acts. 
  3. to establish cooperation/coordination between the Commission and Member States and EFTA/EEA countries on questions relating to the implementation of Union legislation, programmes and policies in the field of animal welfare. 
  4. to assist DG SANTE in the early preparation of implementing acts, before submission to the committee in accordance with Regulation (EU) N°182/2011. 
  5. to bring about an exchange of experience and good practice in the field of animal welfare.