(Under forberedelse) Meddelelse om en europeisk spare- og investeringsunion (SIU)
Den europeiske spare- og investeringsunionen (SIU)
(In preparation) Communication on European Savings and Investments Union (SIU)
Notat om planlagt meddelelse lagt fram av Kommisjonen 3.2.2025 med tilbakemeldingsfrist 3.3.2025
Savings and Investments Union
The Savings and Investments Union will build upon the successful completion of two action plans on Capital Markets Union and progress on the Banking Union. It aims to connect savings to the most productive investment, with a focus on the Union’s strategic objectives including innovation, decarbonisation, digital technologies and defence. It will focus on increasing returns on savings of EU citizens and widening financing opportunities for businesses, improving the competitiveness of the EU.
Call for evidence
Feedback period: 03 February 2025 - 03 March 2025
Call for evidence - Ares(2025)812617