Referanseorganet for vurdering av renrasede avlsdyr av storfe: Interbull
Rådsvedtak 96/463/EF av 23. juli 1996 om utpeking av referanseorganet som skal delta i arbeidet med å harmonisere granskingsmetoder og vurdering av granskingsresultater for renrasede avlsdyr av storfe
Council Decision 96/463/EC of 23 July 1996 designating the reference body responsible for collaborating in rendering uniform the testing methods and the assessment of the results for pure-bred breeding animals
BAKGRUNN (fra Interbulls hjemmesider)
In 1996 the European Union (EU) appointed the Interbull Centre as the community reference body for bovine evaluations.
Interbull was developed in 1983 as a joint venture between ICAR, the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP) and the International Dairy Federation (IDF). At this time, increasing trade in semen, embryos and livestock had led naturally towards breeders wanting to make accurate comparisons between animals, primarily bulls, performing both within and across countries. However, these comparisons were made difficult by :
• differences in genetic evaluation methods;
• differences in genetic levels;
• differences in farming environment.
Since then, the international exchange of information provided by Interbull has helped member countries to develop more effective methods for genetic evaluation of cattle.
In 1996 the European Union (EU) appointed the Interbull Centre as the community reference body for bovine evaluations.
Interbull was developed in 1983 as a joint venture between ICAR, the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP) and the International Dairy Federation (IDF). At this time, increasing trade in semen, embryos and livestock had led naturally towards breeders wanting to make accurate comparisons between animals, primarily bulls, performing both within and across countries. However, these comparisons were made difficult by :
• differences in genetic evaluation methods;
• differences in genetic levels;
• differences in farming environment.
Since then, the international exchange of information provided by Interbull has helped member countries to develop more effective methods for genetic evaluation of cattle.